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Department of Statistics

Principal Investigator

Paul Bürkner

Background: Statistics, Mathematics, and Psychology

Position: Full Professor for Computational Statistics

Email: paul.buerknertu-dortmundde

Links: Personal Website, GitHub

Room: Vogelpothsweg 87, Room 719

Administrative Office

Sabine Bell

Tel.: +49 231 755 5853

Fax: +49 231 755 4387

Email: sabine.belltu-dortmundde

Room: Vogelpothsweg 87, Room 723


Daniel Habermann

Background: Computational Biology

Project: Amortized Bayesian Inference for Multilevel Models

Email: daniel.habermanntu-dortmundde

Links: Website, GitHub

Room: Vogelpothsweg 87, Room 721

Šimon Kucharský

Background: Computational Psychology

Project: Applications of Amortized Inference

Email: simon.kucharskytu-dortmundde

Links: Website, GitHub

Room: Vogelpothsweg 87, Room 736

PhD Students

Javier Aguilar

Background: Mathematics and Statistics

Project: Intuitive Joint Priors for Bayesian Multilevel Models

Email: javier.aguilartu-dortmundde

Links: GitHub

Room: Vogelpothsweg 87, Room 711

Florence Bockting

Background: Cognitive Science and Psychology

Project: Simulation-Based Prior Distributions for Bayesian Models

Email: florence.bocktingtu-dortmundde

Room: Vogelpothsweg 87, Room 711

Luna Fazio

Background: Biology and Statistics

Project: Bayesian Distributional Latent Variable Models

Email: luna.faziotu-dortmundde

Links: GitHub

Room: Vogelpothsweg 87, Room 711

Jacob Grytzka

Background: Statistics

Project: Regularization in Generalized Linear and Additive Multilevel Models

Email: jacob.grytzkatu-dortmundde

Links: University Website

Co-Supervisor: Andreas Groll

Room: Vogelpothsweg 87, Room 215A

Lars Kühmichel

Background: Physics and Computer Science

Project: BayesFlow: Simulation Intelligence with Deep Learning

Email: lars.kühmicheltu-dortmundde

Links: GitHub

Room: Vogelpothsweg 87, Room 736

Soham Mukherjee

Background: Statistics

Project: Probabilistic Models for Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Data

Links: Linkedin

Co-Supervisor: Manfred Claassen

Room: Vogelpothsweg 87, Room 711